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Reading is Therapy

I choose to read books instead of watching TV.

Currently reading

The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind
Gustave Le Bon
Les Deux Tours (Le Seigneur des Anneaux, #2)
J.R.R. Tolkien
The Quran
October 2013
text: Is Fahrenheit 451 the temperature at which Kindles melt?
Amazon, GrAmazon, is redefinining our experience of literature! Amazon has evaded having to pay tax and comply with labour la...
October 2013
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“Why?” my mouth asked, my eyes still closed. “Because maybe I like you?” he said, his breath warm against my skin.“Maybe?” I ...
Maybe With a Chance of Certainty - John  Goode
We follow Brad as he gave himself 24h to decide what he is gonna do with his life now that he came out in front in every one ...
End of the Beginning - John  Goode
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October 2013
A bit disappointed. I've heard such great things about this book, how it's the perfect combination of romance, adventure and ...
The Princess Bride - William Goldman
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October 2013
reviewed: Waiting on the Sidelines
I decided to read this book because i love chick lit with unusual female character. This book -about a tomboy- started out gr...
Waiting on the Sidelines - Ginger Scott
Drama, drama, drama...
Going Long (Waiting on the Sidelines #2) - Ginger Scott
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October 2013
reviewed: Tampa
I read it for the shock value of it. I mean "pedophilia, what else?" right? But half way through it, Celest is so unapologeti...
Tampa - Alissa Nutting
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October 2013
Playful, romantic, sometimes deep and sometimes silly.I am not a fan of poesy but "I carry your heart" is one of my favourite...
Selected Poems - Richard S. Kennedy, E.E. Cummings
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October 2013
reviewed: ハツカレ 1 (マーガレットコミックス (3704))
It's cute but it's on the creepy side of cute. Note to the author : there is such thing as too much blushing.
Hatsukare 1 - Miyoshi Tomori
I really liked the first pages of this book, it put a huge smile on my face. But the rest of the book was barely interesting....
This Is What Happy Looks Like - Jennifer E. Smith
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October 2013
reviewed: 青空エール 1 (マーガレットコミックス)
I don't know why i previously gave this one 4 stars. Some people have said it was better than koukou debut, well it's not. Th...
青空エール 1 - Kazune Kawahara
reviewed: 青空エール 6 (マーガレットコミックス)
Mizushima is the devil.
Aozora Ēru: 6 - Kazune Kawahara
reviewed: 青空エール 4 (マーガレットコミックス)
Yamada is still the cutest, even after he rejects Tsubasa.
青空エール 4 - Kazune Kawahara
reviewed: 青空エール 3 (マーガレットコミックス)
Still not much relevant happening. Kind of reminds me of Kimi ni Todoke.
青空エール 3 - Kazune Kawahara
reviewed: 青空エール 5 (マーガレットコミックス)
This volume mostly consists on a side-plot about one of the band member. Discreet introduction of Oono, the baseball team man...
青空エール 5 - Kazune Kawahara
reviewed: 青空エール 2 (マーガレットコミックス)
This manga consists mostly of Yamada saying "You can do it!" or "Do your best!" to Tsubasa.
青空エール 2 (マーガレットコミックス) - 河原 和音
Remise en question de plusieurs valeurs de notre société actuelle. Oeuvre très pertinante, intelligente et puissante.
Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
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